[ PC ] convert PDF to editable text


hi there

do you have a lot of PDF files with a lot of text that you cant edit or copy or just a picture with text that you cant selected
your problem fixed here with this program that will convert you PDF to editable text can select and copy
also to convert to excel,word,PowerPoint,image PDF/A
easy steps will not take you 5 min
by the way its for a lifetime

support available if you need
will be sending the product by email or telegram

extra details

1- Create PDFs and Combine Files
Create PDFs from virtually any document, image, or file type
Drag and drop to create and combine PDFs
Insert, delete, and organize pages in a PDF
Combine multiple files and file types into one PDF
Deep integration with Office 365, SharePoint 365, OneDrive for Business, Dropbox, Box, Google Drive
Copy and paste selected parts of a PDF file with formatting intact
Batch-create PDF files

2-Convert Files to and from PDF
Convert Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files to editable PDFs
Convert PDFs into editable Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files
Convert scanned documents into editable, searchable PDFs
Convert PDFs to JPEG, TIFF, or PNG image formats
Convert web pages to interactive PDFs, complete with links
Convert CAD files to PDFs
Convert any PDF file to PDF/A 1 and 2
Extract text and images
Postscript-based document conversion

3-Apply and Request Electronic Signatures
Request secure, legally binding electronic signatures
Lightweight eSignature workflows, designed for speed and ease of use
Apply your own electronic signature
Digitally sign and certify documents
Send, track, and confirm electronic signatures with real-time notifications and analytics
Easy mobile signing optimized for smartphones and tablets
eSignature templates for frequently used forms
Easily add documents and templates that your whole team can access

4-Edit PDF files
Insert and edit text and images
Insert and edit fonts, layouts, and pages
Optimize, shrink, and repair PDF files
Visual rotation of images and pages
Insert and edit bookmarks, links, headers, numbering, and watermarks
Insert and edit Bates Numbering
Create searchable and editable PDFs from scans with OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
Smart Alignment tool
Copy and paste between applications
Automatic text reflow and resize
Scanned image detection with automatic deskew

5-Keep PDFs Secure
Add password protection and permissions to PDFs
Redact to permanently remove sensitive information from PDFs
Create protected PDF files that restrict copying and editing
Secure PDFs with Microsoft Rights Management Services (RMS) 2.0
Encryption support for 64-, 128-, and 256-bit (with R6 support)
Work with digital signatures, including Chain of Trust support
Manage digital signature profiles and certificates
Create and manage digital IDs
Batch security
Document version tracking

6-Build and Fill PDF Forms
Static XFA form support
PDF form creation and editing
Easily create, fill, sign, send, and store forms

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