A traditional Japanese “Sound Novel” adventure, The storyline of Imabikisou revolves around a drug called “Vision” which seems to be responsible for a string of mysterious deaths. The game’s main character and heroine, attempting to flee the curse of the drug, travel to a mansion that is believed to be the source of all the problems. There, they get themselves caught up in a mystery involving a strange flower, the Imabikisou of the title.
Imabikisou involves a winning staff of horror veterans. The game’s award-winning scenario staff includes Yukinori Kitajima (Muteki Handicap), Osamu Makino (Sweet Little Baby) and Hajime Katou. The graphic staff includes Haruhiko Shouno as art director, and Ayumu Ino as photography director. Twins Japan (Dororo, Cure, Dragon Head) and Animaroid (Siren 2 for the PS2) are lending their talents for, respectively, filming and visual effects. And unlike most Sound Novels, the production values are a key element — the game includes a mix of real life and CG footage, along with real time effects. The sound aural side features Dolby 5.1 support and full voice.
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